Abhinav Kumar

Abhinav Kumar received his dual degree (Btech-Mtech) in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India in 2022. His Masters’ thesis mainly focused on optimization of energy efficiency metrics of cell-free massive MIMO systems by controlling uplink transmission powers. The optimization was performed using custom deep reinforcement learning techniques. This work led to a publication in IEEE Communication Letters. His other research revolved around different Machine Learning topics including but not limited to computer vision, probabilistic modeling, deep reinforcement learning etc. Post his graduation, he worked as an Applications Engineer with Rakuten Mobile, Tokyo, Japan where he gained exposure to a commercial telecom company. Currently, he is a Doctoral Candidate under the Marie-Curie EMPOWER-6G Project with IS-Wireless, Poland and KU Leuven, Belgium. During his PhD, he will design and implement multi-DU cooperation and resource scheduling algorithms for distributed CF networks.